At the start of School Term 4 Kidsafe WA and ATCO launched the 2018 Get Creative About Safety Competition for primary school students. The competition
- a junior division for years 1 to 3 students, a Gas Safety Colouring In competition designed by ATCO; and
- an upper division for students in years 4 to 6, a Design a Comic Strip competition.
There were over 300 competition entries so it was a very tough decision for us to make!
After a long afternoon of judging Kidsafe WA and ATCO managed to pick the 2018 Get Creative About Safety Competition winners. When choosing the winners
we took into account creativity, and for the design a comic strip entries we also considered the safety messages depicted.
Kidsafe WA together with ATCO would like to congratulate the following students:
Gas Safety Colouring In (Junior Primary Division)
- 1st prize – Mai Ly Nguyen-Wood (Year 2, Flinders Park Primary)
- 2nd prize – Arianna Rueda (Year 3, Attadale primary School)
- 3rd prize – Ciara Thornton (Year 1, John XXIII College)
Highly commended:
- Attadale Primary School – Matilda Miller & Caitlin Mapstone
- Coorow Primary School – Hayley Meyer
- Flinders Park Primary School – Jack Burton, Jake Dunkeld, Lily Stevenson & Isabella Watts
- John XXIII College – Alice Wever, Florence Pedler, Charlotte Blaxell & Olive Reside.
- Dongrara District high School – Isabel Boyd
- Riverton Primary School – Olivia (Year 1, Room 2) & Jacelyn (Year 1, Room 4)
Design a Comic Strip (Upper Primary Division)

- 1st prize – Evie DeAngelis (Year 5, Singleton Primary School)
- 2nd prize – Lara Boztepe (Year 4, Doubleview Primary School)
- 3rd prize – Jack Brohman (Year 4, Doubleview Primary School)
Highly commended:
- Carramar Primary School – Amber Rinaldi, Hanna Williamson
- Doubleview Primary School – Lincoln Vanyai, Polly Jones, Oscar Blackaby, Charlotte Rigg & Abigail Brewer.
- Singleton Primary School – Hugh Walker
A big thank you again to St John Ambulance for donating the First Aid Kits for some of the prizes – the schools loved it!
Congratulations to everyone involved and we hope to see more entries next year.
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