The Western Australian Consumer Protection Awards is here again!
The Consumer Protection Awards provide an opportunity to reward and recognise the achievements of individuals, non-government organisations, businesses, local governments, journalists and media outlets that have increased awareness of consumer issues, provided support for disadvantaged consumers or contributed to injury prevention for children.

One category of the Consumer Protection Awards is the Kidsafe WA Award. The Kidsafe WA Award acknowledges an individual, local government, non-government organisation, business or group of individuals operating in Western Australia that have made a significant contribution to the advancement of injury prevention for children in Western Australia. They may have worked to raise awareness of specific product hazards, been involved in the design and development of new products, or have developed and delivered projects that raise community awareness of product safety.
If you or someone you know is a champion, make sure you submit your nomination by 5pm Friday 16 November 2018.
For more information on award categories and to submit a nomination, visit: