Kidsafe WA’s child car restraint services are still operating from Monday to Saturday. Based on the advice and guidelines from the WA Department of Health Kidsafe WA will continue with the following actions to ensure safety while visiting our services:
- All Kidsafe WA staff meet the mandated vaccination requirements;
- Hand sanitizer stations are provided throughout our building;
- Extra cleaning protocols have been implemented;
- Our Child Car Restraint technicians use N95 masks, gloves, face shields and adhere to hand sanitising protocols; and
- Our customer facing staff will not attend work if unwell and use regular RAT tests.
Kidsafe WA offers a cost effective service for those who require assistance with installing a child car restraint or would like the installation of the restraint checked. We offer car seat checking of previously installed seats, or we can assist in fitting a car seat. Kidsafe WA offers one hour advice appointments to parents who are attempting to fit multiple children into a single vehicle. Kidsafe WA also has a range of infant carriers, convertibles, combination restraints and booster seats available for hire.
Our current locations for child car restraint appointments are:
Kidsafe WA, West Leederville
Monday to Friday – 9am to 4:00pm
Saturday – 9am to 12pm
Blue Gum Community Centre, Brentwood
Tuesday – 10am to 12pm
Bunnings Joondalup
Friday – 10am to 12pm
Bookings are essential for appointments. To book an appointment please call (08) 6244 4880 or to make an online booking click here.