Entries are now open for the 2018 Kidsafe National Playspace Design Awards! The Awards recognise excellence and innovation in the provision of safe, creative
playspaces. The Awards are open to playground owners, service providers, design professionals, students and landscapers across Australia. The Awards
aim to promote inspirational, innovative, best practice play facilities that encourage healthy participation in recreational activities for all children.

Entries will be reviewed by a multi-disciplinary panel and will be assessed on the following aspects:
- Project summary
- Commitment to safe play environments
- Innovative design
- Inclusive playspace design
- Community and culture
- Shade elements
- Sustainability
- Successful outcomes of the project.
Award categories:
- Education and Care Services: preschools, long day care, out of school hours care, vacation care, family day care.
- Schools: public and private schools, primary and high schools.
- Public Playspaces:
- Up to $500K
- $500K—$1M
- $1M upwards.
Entries close Friday 27 July 2018, with winners announced 29 November 2018. For more details on eligibility and how to enter visit http://kidsafe.com.au/national-playspace-design-awards/.