Kidsafe WA with the support of the WA Department of Health has developed the Preventing Childhood Injuries Facilitator’s Guide and Video. The
resource is designed to assist child health educators in delivering sessions on child safety to parents and carers of children aged 0 to 5 years.
The resource provides a session plan for facilitators to guide them in delivering a session, along with a USB with a video to play to participants. The
video provided on the USB is split into two chapters based on children’s age and stage of development and relays information covered in the session
plan. Topics covered include making the home a safer environment for children, transporting children safely, water safety, falls prevention, poison
safety, burns prevention, safe sleeping and safety during outdoor play.
The Preventing Childhood Injuries Facilitator’s Guide and Video is available free of charge to child health educators working with parents and
carers in WA. To order your copy, please place an order on the Kidsafe WA Online Shop at
For more information please email or call (08) 6244 4880.