Over the upcoming months, Kidsafe WA will be running a series of free webinars and in-person workshops on a range of play related topics. Sessions are targeted at schools,
child care centres, local governments, and any other playground providers.
Webinar – Shading Playspaces with Cancer Council WA
Date: 10am – 11am, Tuesday 20th September 2022
Location: Online (Zoom)
Join Kidsafe WA and Cancer Council WA in a free online seminar discussing the importance of shade in playspaces, conducting a shade audit, how to start a shade project and the SunSmart Shade Competition for schools.
Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YbPwRs7YQleUdnmPzu4cJg
Workshop – Playground Maintenance for Schools
Date: 10am – 2pm, Monday 19th September 2022
Location: Kidsafe WA Office, West Leederville
This one-day workshop is aimed at school maintenance and gardening staff, who are often responsible for the maintenance of school playgrounds. This workshop covers basic knowledge of the Australian Standards requirements and the use of a maintenance checklist. (Minimum numbers apply)
To register: Email Tracy@kidsafewa.com.au
Workshop – Naturally Kids Play
Date: 6.30pm – 7.30pm, Wednesday 18th October 2022
Location: Kidsafe WA Office, West Leederville
This one-hour workshop looks at the benefits of natural play, how to make playspaces inclusive and how they relate to the Australian Standards for Playgrounds. We will show you examples to inspire you to create a safe, stimulating, and cost-effective outdoor environment for children. (Minimum numbers apply)
To register: Email Tracy@kidsafewa.com.au
All sessions are supported by the WA Department of Health.
For more information, please contact Brianna@kidsafewa.com.au or call (08) 6244 4880.
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