As summer is approaching Kidsafe WA would like to remind everyone of the dangers of leaving kids in cars. Kidsafe WA’s ‘Do Not Leave Children in Cars’
campaign aims to raise community awareness and reduce the number of children left unattended in parked cars in Western Australia.
Even on a cool day the temperature in a parked car can be over 30 degrees hotter than outside. In fact, 75% of the total temperature rise can occur
within the first five minutes of parking a car. This is why it is important to take children with you, even when running a quick errand.
Kidsafe WA is seeking your help to spread the message. We have designed car park signs which can be purchased by organisations to install in local
car parks. The ‘Do Not Leave Children in Cars’ car park signs act as a reminder to community members to take their children with them after parking
the car.
For more information about this campaign or to order car park signs contact us on (08) 6244 4880 or

Other useful links:
‘Unconventional Oven’ project
Hot Car Fact Sheet