There are only six more weeks until Christmas which means the finalising of presents, and with Christmas being a time when bikes, scooters, skateboards
or other toys with wheels might be exciting gifts given it is important to also remember to provide the safety equipment.
Christmas is an exciting time for children, there are new toys, visiting family and friends and the summer holidays which can also mean an increase
in risks of injury. Bikes and small wheeled devices account for a large number of injuries to children, each year over 450 children on average
present to Princess Margaret Hospital ED as a result of a bicycle injury. Injuries associated with small wheeled devices such as skateboards, roller
blades and scooters account for the largest number of presentations of road traffic injuries, with falls the most common cause of injury.
While preparing and finalising Christmas presents it is important to remember to also include the correct safety equipment. If you are planning to
give bicycles, scooters, skate boards or other wheeled device, ensure you also gift suitable safety equipment. Some tips for a safe and happy Christmas
when children are using equipment with wheels are:
- Helmets should always be worn when children are using equipment with wheels
- Ensure closed in shoes are worn
- For young children, or children receiving equipment for the first time think of providing knee, elbow and wrist guards
- On Christmas day, put aside some time to teach children how to use new toys
And teach children the road rules and safety messages for using equipment.