Kidsafe WA

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Road Safety Storybook for Pre-Primary Classes

To encourage schools to talk about road safety with their early childhood students, School Drug Education and Road Aware (SDERA) has provided a road safety
storybook to every pre-primary class in WA.

That’s the Sound the Street Makes, written by renowned Australian author Danny Katz and illustrated by Mitch Vane, follows the story of Ella on
her journey to school, and teaches children how to be aware in a traffic environment. Schools with multiple pre-primary classes can order additional
books free of charge by contacting SDERA.

To learn more about how your school or childcare centre can educate children about road safety have a look at SDERA’s Smart Steps program. Smart Steps is
a road safety program for educators of young children under the age of eight. It facilitates a partnership between early childhood educators and parents/carers
to guide young children’s learning in becoming safe and independent road users of the future. The Smart Steps program includes a professional
learning workshop and various road safety resources to support educators.

To find out more about the program visit